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NLminorStockpileAt the beginning of each round (before Phase 1), if you have exactly 0-1/2-3/4-5/6+ Food in your personal supply, you receive 1 Wood/Clay/Reed/Stone. (You may give Food to the general supply at any time.)5W1uwe

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last post:
2012-10-27 11:46:28
by zlorfik

Pages:  [1]

Stockpile (minor)
Cost=5W,   Vps=1,   Prereq=none
At the beginning of each round (before Phase 1), if you have exactly 0-1/2-3/4-5/6+ Food in your personal supply, you receive 1 Wood/Clay/Reed/Stone. (You may give Food to the general supply at any time.)

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Oct 29, 2010 1:14pm
(Edit: Jun 24, 2011 2:28pm)
Zu Beginn jeder Runde, noch vor Phase 1, erhaltst du 1 Baustoff aus dem allgemeinen Vorrat. Welchen Baustoff du erhaltst, ist abhangig davon, wie viele Nahrwertmarken du in deinem Vorrat hast: bei 0-1 NW erhaltst du Holz, bei 2-3 NW Lehm, bei 4-5 NW Schilf und ab 6 NW Stein.
(Du darfst Nahrwerte freiwillig in den allgemeinen Vorrat geben, um auf den Baustoff Einfluss zu nehmen.)
Oct 29, 2010 1:14pm
German speaker, based on the German text, if you have 7 Food, can you take a Stone? Also is the name translated correct? chris
Oct 29, 2010 1:15pm
(Edit: Oct 29, 2010 2:11pm)
The name is not correct. It has nothing to do with a plane.
I suggest "Stockpiler". A person that stocks up on stuff for hard times.

It says you get a stone if you got 6 or more food. So it should say 6+ in the text.
Oct 31, 2010 5:33am
I haven't tested this but it seems a bit overpowered. It's quite feasible you could drop it in round 1, then sit back and receive 13 resources. Plus it's not hard to have 6+food sitting around, so you can reap loads of stone or whatever.
Too powerful I think.
Nov 11, 2010 3:48am
I think this card is too powerful. Investing 3w early is a lot, but getting 12-13 resources is quite a lot. And it is really easy to get reed in the beginning, which is huge (play the card, take 2 food). ylathor
Dec 5, 2010 8:57am
If you play this in Round 1, it looks like you are guaranteed 13 resources in return. That's nuts! tacticus
Dec 5, 2010 1:50pm

old cost 3W
new cost 5W

Uwe asks us, should this card have 1VP now?
Jun 12, 2011 5:47pm
UPDATE added 1 VP chris
Jun 24, 2011 2:29pm
Dang, we messed up the translation of the title. According to the picture, the title should be "Monoplane". Sorry, didnt reckognize that meaning of the title back in the days. zlorfik
Oct 27, 2012 11:46am
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