id=1180 | Pages: [1] | |
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Cost=5W, Vps=1, Prereq=none At the beginning of each round (before Phase 1), if you have exactly 0-1/2-3/4-5/6+ Food in your personal supply, you receive 1 Wood/Clay/Reed/Stone. (You may give Food to the general supply at any time.) [View playtest games] [View all dealt games] |
Stockpile (minor)Oct 29, 2010 1:14pm [quote] (Edit: Jun 24, 2011 2:28pm) |
Eindecker: Zu Beginn jeder Runde, noch vor Phase 1, erhaltst du 1 Baustoff aus dem allgemeinen Vorrat. Welchen Baustoff du erhaltst, ist abhangig davon, wie viele Nahrwertmarken du in deinem Vorrat hast: bei 0-1 NW erhaltst du Holz, bei 2-3 NW Lehm, bei 4-5 NW Schilf und ab 6 NW Stein. (Du darfst Nahrwerte freiwillig in den allgemeinen Vorrat geben, um auf den Baustoff Einfluss zu nehmen.) |
Oct 29, 2010 1:14pm [quote] |
German speaker, based on the German text, if you have 7 Food, can you take a Stone? Also is the name translated correct? | Oct 29, 2010 1:15pm [quote] (Edit: Oct 29, 2010 2:11pm) |
The name is not correct. It has nothing to do with a plane. I suggest "Stockpiler". A person that stocks up on stuff for hard times. It says you get a stone if you got 6 or more food. So it should say 6+ in the text. |
Oct 31, 2010 5:33am [quote] |
Too powerful I think. |
I haven't tested this but it seems a bit overpowered. It's quite feasible you could drop it in round 1, then sit back and receive 13 resources. Plus it's not hard to have 6+food sitting around, so you can reap loads of stone or whatever.Nov 11, 2010 3:48am [quote] |
I think this card is too powerful. Investing 3w early is a lot, but getting 12-13 resources is quite a lot. And it is really easy to get reed in the beginning, which is huge (play the card, take 2 food). | Dec 5, 2010 8:57am [quote] |
If you play this in Round 1, it looks like you are guaranteed 13 resources in return. That's nuts! | Dec 5, 2010 1:50pm [quote] |
old cost 3W new cost 5W ===== Uwe asks us, should this card have 1VP now? |
UPDATEJun 12, 2011 5:47pm [quote] |
UPDATE added 1 VP | Jun 24, 2011 2:29pm [quote] |
Dang, we messed up the translation of the title. According to the picture, the title should be "Monoplane". Sorry, didnt reckognize that meaning of the title back in the days. | Oct 27, 2012 11:46am [quote] |
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