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3552 [View] | NL | minor | Grain Sheaves | Whenever you play another Minor Improvement, you receive 1 Grain afterward. | 1F | 0 | uwe | -2 0Y,2N [Vote Yes] [Vote No] | [10 Comments] last post: 2016-05-04 15:10:11 by chris |
id=1195 | ||
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Grain Sheaves (minor) Cost=1F, Vps=0, Prereq=none Whenever you play another Minor Improvement, you receive 1 Grain afterward. Grain Sheaves (minor) Cost=1F, Vps=0, Prereq=none Whenever you play another Minor Improvement, you receive 1 Grain afterward. [View playtest games] [View all dealt games] |
.uwe Oct 29, 2010 2:36pm [quote] (Edit: Nov 15, 2010 3:19pm) |
Getreide-garben: Immer wenn du eine weitere kleine Anschaffung tatigst, erhaltst du anschliessend 1 Getreide. Getreide-garben: Immer wenn du eine weitere kleine Anschaffung tatigst, erhaltst du anschliessend 1 Getreide. |
chris Oct 29, 2010 2:36pm [quote] |
Major Improvements are build, minor improvements are played. So: Whenever you play a Minor Improvement, you receive 1 Grain afterward. I notice you use "afterward" in all your translations and not "afterwards". Is that the american way to write the word? I always learned that it is written as "afterwards". Major Improvements are build, minor improvements are played. So: Whenever you play a Minor Improvement, you receive 1 Grain afterward. I notice you use "afterward" in all your translations and not "afterwards". Is that the american way to write the word? I always learned that it is written as "afterwards". |
zlorfik Oct 31, 2010 3:08pm [quote] (Edit: Oct 31, 2010 3:09pm) |
Do you receive the grain after playing this card? Do you receive the grain after playing this card? | king_agricola Nov 2, 2010 10:11am [quote] |
Interesting question! I would say no, since Grain Sheaves is not in play yet when you play it, so its text is not in effect yet. But that would be a good question for pijll too. Interesting question! I would say no, since Grain Sheaves is not in play yet when you play it, so its text is not in effect yet. But that would be a good question for pijll too. |
zlorfik Nov 2, 2010 10:16am [quote] |
In my opinion, no. In my opinion, no. | pijll Nov 2, 2010 10:21am [quote] |
For balance reasons, the answer should be no. For balance reasons, the answer should be no. | tacticus Nov 2, 2010 4:21pm [quote] |
Initial Impressions: I'd play this card 100% of the time, which I think means it's too strong, but I'll wait and see. Initial Impressions: I'd play this card 100% of the time, which I think means it's too strong, but I'll wait and see. | btizo Nov 4, 2010 10:48am [quote] |
Is it supposed to be "Whenever you play a minor improvement you receive 1 grain afterward" meaning if I play this card then I play 5 more minors I get 5 grain? Or is it "Whenever you play [b]another[/b] minor improvement you receive 1 grain afterward" meaning if I play this card then I play 5 more minors I get 1 grain? Cause as written you only get 1 grain max from this card, but the translation discussion makes it seem like you get 1 grain per improvement played after grain sheaves rather than just when you play "another" improvement. Is it supposed to be "Whenever you play a minor improvement you receive 1 grain afterward" meaning if I play this card then I play 5 more minors I get 5 grain? Or is it "Whenever you play another minor improvement you receive 1 grain afterward" meaning if I play this card then I play 5 more minors I get 1 grain? Cause as written you only get 1 grain max from this card, but the translation discussion makes it seem like you get 1 grain per improvement played after grain sheaves rather than just when you play "another" improvement. |
nwoll Nov 24, 2012 10:24pm [quote] |
*see previous comment Is this supposed to only give 1 grain or is it still broken? *see previous comment Is this supposed to only give 1 grain or is it still broken? |
nwoll May 4, 2016 12:14pm [quote] |
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