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NLminorNight WatchThe Night Watch is an additional Action space for all. In the Replenish phase of each round, add 1 Grain to this card. A player who uses this action must pay 2 Food to the general supply and receives the Grain. Some or all of this Grain may be immediately exchanged for Bonus points, 1 for 1.2At most 1 Occupationuwe

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last post:
2012-03-21 13:21:42
by chris

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Night Watch (minor)
Cost=none,   Vps=2,   Prereq=At most 1 Occupation
The Night Watch is an additional Action space for all. In the Replenish phase of each round, add 1 Grain to this card. A player who uses this action must pay 2 Food to the general supply and receives the Grain. Some or all of this Grain may be immediately exchanged for Bonus points, 1 for 1.

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Oct 29, 2010 3:16pm
(Edit: May 27, 2011 2:33pm)
Die Nachtwache ist ein Aktionsfeld fur alle. In der Auffullphase jeder Runde kommt 1 Getreide auf diese Karte. Wer die Nachtwache nutzt, zahlt 2 NW in den allgemeinen Vorrat und nimmt sich die Getreidemarken. Er kann sich unmittelbar danach beliebig viele dieser Marken 1:1 in Sonderpunkte auszahlen lassen. (Die Sonderpunkte lasst er sich gutschreiben.)
Oct 29, 2010 3:17pm
German speaker, does the Grain exchanged for Bonus points stay on the card or go to the general supply? chris
Oct 29, 2010 3:17pm
It goes to the general supply and i think your text expresses that too.

The translation is correct, to be more in line with older cards i would change the 1 sentence though to:
The Night Watch is an additional Action space.
Oct 31, 2010 5:37am
For the Painter's Guild:
Oct 31, 2010 11:17pm
Initial Impressions: I'm not sure how high the grain will stack, but it seems like it would get played a lot. I like it, though. An accumulating Grain space is an interesting idea. I'm willing to bet it gets taken at 3-4 a lot. btizo
Nov 5, 2010 3:09pm
I doubt it would ever get past 4. 2 food for 4 grain or bonus points is awfully good. tacticus
Nov 5, 2010 3:17pm
Isn't it every 2 food for 1 grain ? This card is total awful in 1-er game.....just a simple 12 vp! really_unknow4
Mar 8, 2012 6:52pm
It's 15 VP in solo. The card is worth 2 VP and it can accumulate 13 Grain if played in Round 1. chris
Mar 21, 2012 1:21pm
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