id=1241 | ||
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At the end of each Harvest, you may pay 1 Wood and 1 Food to use out of turn an Action space of your choice without placing a person. [View playtest games] [View all dealt games] |
Ice Skate Sharpener (occ-1+)Oct 29, 2010 10:43pm [quote] (Edit: Nov 1, 2010 7:43pm) |
Schlittschuhschleifer: Am Ende jeder Erntezeit kannst du 1 Holz und 1 NW bezahlen, um ausser der Reihe ein Aktionsfeld deiner Wahl zu nutzen, ohne dafur eine Person einzusetzen. |
Oct 29, 2010 10:43pm [quote] |
(Ice) Skate Sharpener | Oct 31, 2010 4:25am [quote] |
The effect can be awesome, but probably the better, the fewer players are in the game. |
I like the cost of using this card, its not too cheap. Nov 7, 2010 2:44am [quote] (Edit: Nov 7, 2010 2:45am) |
can we get a plain explanation of this card and an example? | Nov 8, 2010 11:07pm [quote] |
At that time there are no persons on any action spaces, since those have gone home in the return home phase of the round before the harvest. No new resources have been added yet, that happens in the 2nd phase of the next round. The new round card has not been revealed yet. At that time you may pay 1 Wood and 1 Food out of your personal supply. Then you use any 1 action space, as if you placed a person there. But you dont place a person there. If you use the RSF space for example, you get RSF. If you use the stone accumulation space with 2 stone on it, you take the 2s. The next round, that space starts with 1s again. So i THOUGHT this card is not that hard to understand. But lets look at this scenario: At the end of the harvest after round 13, you can use the FG w/o room action. Since it is the end of the harvest, you dont have to feed the newborn. Can you take an action with that newborn in round 14? Because normally newborns are only returned to your home in the last phase of a round. If not, does it still count as a newborn in the last harvest? Meaning you only have to feed it 1 food. Does the newborn remain on the FG action space and therefor block it? Is there any precedent for a FG outside of a normal round? |
End of each harvest means after the breeding phase of a harvest.Nov 9, 2010 8:53am [quote] |
Another question: how does this interact with Acrobat or Countryman? They both refer to using the action on the action space . . . which you are doing here. But they also refer to moving the "person" to the second action space, and here you don't have a person to move. Also, Net Fisherman? Finally, I assume this also works at the end of the last harvest? Would it happen after breeding but before Tenant Farmer? |
Late Bloomer could theoretically perform a family growth action during a harvest, but would never actually do so in practice. It also explicitly allows you to use the new person in the round you receive it, so the precedent isn't great.Nov 9, 2010 1:53pm [quote] |
Else there would also be weird timing issues regarding "after all players have done xxx". Scoring happens after the last harvest. This card happens at the end of the last harvest. So i would say, yeah, after breeding but before Tenant Farmer. By this discussion i realize more and more how powerful it is, but i like this card. It will have a rather large compendium entry though i guess. |
Acrobat, Countryman and Net Fisherman all refer to using an action with a person. Since you dont do that, they dont trigger at all.Nov 9, 2010 2:33pm [quote] |
Quote from: zlorfik on Nov 9, 2010 8:53am End of each harvest means after the breeding phase of a harvest. So i THOUGHT this card is not that hard to understand. But lets look at this scenario: At the end of the harvest after round 13, you can use the FG w/o room action. Since it is the end of the harvest, you dont have to feed the newborn. Can you take an action with that newborn in round 14? Because normally newborns are only returned to your home in the last phase of a round. If not, does it still count as a newborn in the last harvest? Meaning you only have to feed it 1 food. Does the newborn remain on the FG action space and therefor block it? I think this is right. The new family member would stay on the space, block other players, and still be considered a newborn at the harvest. It may not take an action in round 14 because it has not returned home. |
Nov 10, 2010 9:48am [quote] |
I disagree, trey. Since the card says you're using it w/o placing a person. IMO, you just add peep to your farm and he gets to act the next round. | Nov 11, 2010 10:34am [quote] |