id=1242 | ||
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Add 3 to the current round number and place the person who played this Occupation on the corresponding round space. (It is no longer considered part of your family until then.) At the start of that round, you receive the person back, even if you have no room in your home, and you receive 2 Food, 1 Bonus point, and 1 Vegetable. [View playtest games] [View all dealt games] |
Discoverer (occ-1+)Oct 29, 2010 10:56pm [quote] (Edit: Nov 4, 2010 11:53am) |
Entdecker: Rechne zur aktuellen Runde 3 dazu. Lege auf das entsprechende Runden-feld, soweit noch zu spielen, den Personenstein, mit dem du diese Ausbildung gemacht hast. (Er gilt bis dahin nicht als Familienmitglied. Du hast also Platz in der Wohnstatte.) Zu Beginn dieser Runde erhaltst du die Person - auch ohne Platz in deiner Wohnstatte - zuruck und erhaltst zusatzlich 2 NW, 1 Sonderpunkt und 1 Gemuse. |
Oct 29, 2010 11:00pm [quote] |
I think it should be "At the start of that round, you receive the person back, even if you got no room in your home." Your wording could be read as "The discoverer doesnt occupy a room in your home for the rest of the game". |
Oct 31, 2010 2:42pm [quote] |
Doesn't it need to be "for the rest of the game"? Otherwise what if you put him in your home now without room, and don't make any more room for him next round? | Oct 31, 2010 9:07pm [quote] |
It's like the usual FG without room: the person will stay in the home until the end of the game. However, if you then build a new room, it will automatically move to that room, just like a normal family member. | Oct 31, 2010 10:41pm [quote] |
Correct. And if you got room in your home the moment you get him back, he does occupy that room. So if you got 3 rooms and 3 peeps and play this in round 7, you have to do another FG before round 10. If you do that, he returns and you have 4 peeps in 3 rooms. But you cant wait till round 10 and then do FG. Because at the start of round 10, he returns and you would have 3 rooms and 3 peeps again and could not do regular FG. Because the Discoverer would use the room again in that scenario. |
Nov 1, 2010 12:52am [quote] |
Is it clear that you get the "2 Food, 1 BP, and 1 Veg" when you get your person back and not when you play the card? | Nov 3, 2010 10:49am [quote] |
Quote from: chris on Nov 3, 2010 10:49am Is it clear that you get the "2 Food, 1 BP, and 1 Veg" when you get your person back and not when you play the card? Not really. How about "when the family member returns, you receive...." Initial Impressions: This card would rock with Late Sleeper. I think this card is best played when you FG so you can FG again before the peep comes back. |
Nov 3, 2010 11:47pm [quote] |
Quote from: chris on Nov 3, 2010 10:49am Is it clear that you get the "2 Food, 1 BP, and 1 Veg" when you get your person back and not when you play the card? no. i don't think it's clear. that would be my guess. |
Nov 3, 2010 11:48pm [quote] |
just played this in a 2player game where it was easy to FG while the discoverer was away. In a 4player game timing is more important to ensure you can FG again i guess but if you get it done, it works very nicely. | Nov 7, 2010 2:37am [quote] |