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Kocc-4CountrymanAfter all players have placed their Family members, you may move one of your Family members from a "Take 1 Grain" or "Take 1 Vegetable" Action space to a free "Sow" Action space after you have taken the Grain or Vegetable.0chris

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last post:
2011-05-16 13:52:54
by bjwells

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Countryman (occ-4+)
After all players have placed their Family members, you may move one of your Family members from a "Take 1 Grain" or "Take 1 Vegetable" Action space to a free "Sow" Action space after you have taken the Grain or Vegetable.

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Nov 6, 2010 12:04pm
Quote from: Unofficial-Agricola-Compendium on Dec 17, 2010

After all players have placed their people, you may move one of your people from a "Take 1 Grain" or "Take 1 Vegetable" action space to a free action space with a "sow" action.

A If you choose one of these action spaces, you place claim markers on the empty "Sowing" spaces to show that you have a claim.
B There are 2 "Sowing" action spaces. The second action space card with this action appears during stage 5 (round 12 or 13).
C Both "Sowing" action spaces provide a choice of actions. You may also do the other action on this action space when you move your family member, even if you do not do the sowing action.
D If you use both the "Take 1 Grain" and "Take 1 Vegetable" action spaces in the same round, you may move only one of the two family members.
E If you have the Field Warden, you may also move a family member to the "Plough Field and Sow" space if it's occupied. [ref]
F If the Acrobat or Pond Watchman also have been played, the family members are moved in player order, starting with the player left of the one who placed the last regular person. If you can move more than one person, you move them consecutively in an order of your choice. You cannot move the same person twice (e.g. by moving it to "Take 1 Grain" with Acrobat, and then using Countryman). You cannot move to an action space that was occupied after the last regular person placement. [ref]
G If you have already used a family member on one of the two action spaces before you play this card, you may move this family member at the end of the round.
H Moving a person with the Countryman counts as taking an action, e.g. for the Opportunist, but not as placing your last person, e.g. for the Magician, because this person has already been placed previously.
May 16, 2011 1:52pm
(Edit: May 16, 2011 1:55pm)
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