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G3occ-4Wealthiest EuropeanIf this is your first Occupation, immediately take 1 building resource of your choice for each completed round of the game.0beso[87 Comments]
last post:
2014-10-16 04:48:23
by chris

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Wealthiest European (occ-4+)
If this is your first Occupation, immediately take 1 building resource of your choice for each completed round of the game.

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Jun 3, 2011 9:55am
(Edit: Oct 16, 2014 4:48am)
Awesome! The Alms of Occupations. chris
Jun 3, 2011 10:02am
Totally yes! I love this card! rune_
Jun 3, 2011 10:07am
I approve. chronojj
Jun 3, 2011 11:52am
I like it, but it could be very strong. Perhaps too strong. tacticus
Jun 3, 2011 12:34pm
too strong in my oppinion. and for this it this goes for draft games as well as non-draft games (you can adopt and draft late game occupations). played in round 14 it can be compared to hermit, but this is much more versatile. its often not a big problem to wait a bit until you play first occupation. letsdance
Jun 6, 2011 5:30am
(Edit: Sep 5, 2011 8:19am)
WhaT if you played occs before and got rid of them? armyguy
Jul 8, 2011 5:40pm
This is extremely strong. Much better than alms which is a good card. unknown6711131
Jul 8, 2011 5:46pm
What happens if I play this card by job seeker? really_unknow4
Jul 11, 2011 10:17am
Job seeker does not count as an occupation in any circumstances, right? beso
Jul 11, 2011 6:43pm
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