Place 1 Guest token on each remaining space for Rounds 7, 10, and 13. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Guest token. You must place this Guest only with your last Action that round and only on an Accumulation space.
Anatomist (occ-1+) Place 1 Guest token on each remaining space for Rounds 7, 10, and 13. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Guest token. You must place this Guest only with your last Action that round and only on an Accumulation space.
Anatomist (occ-1+) Place 1 Guest token on each remaining space for Rounds 7, 10, and 13. At the start of these rounds, you receive the Guest token. You must place this Guest only with your last Action that round and only on an Accumulation space.
.uwe Jun 23, 2011 3:24pm [quote] (Edit: Oct 22, 2012 8:01am)
Leibarzt: Lege auf die Rundenfelder 7, 10 und 13, soweit noch zu spielen, je 1 Gastmarke. Zu Beginn dieser Runden erhaltst du den jeweiligen Gast, um mit diesem als letzte Aktion in der Arbeitsphase ein Anhaufungsfeld zu nutzen. (Anhaufungsfelder sind Aktionsfelder, auf denen sich Waren oder Nahrwerte anhaufen.)Leibarzt: Lege auf die Rundenfelder 7, 10 und 13, soweit noch zu spielen, je 1 Gastmarke. Zu Beginn dieser Runden erhaltst du den jeweiligen Gast, um mit diesem als letzte Aktion in der Arbeitsphase ein Anhaufungsfeld zu nutzen. (Anhaufungsfelder sind Aktionsfelder, auf denen sich Waren oder Nahrwerte anhaufen.)
Do you place the guest as your last action? Or after every one places there people?Do you place the guest as your last action? Or after every one places there people?
In a game we just played, a player had Writing Maniac and in Round 7 played Anatomist and also placed a Guest Token in the same round. I don't think this was a legal move, since Writing Maniac says "remaining rounds" and Round 7 had already started. Thoughts? [img][/img]
In a game we just played, a player had Writing Maniac and in Round 7 played Anatomist and also placed a Guest Token in the same round. I don't think this was a legal move, since Writing Maniac says "remaining rounds" and Round 7 had already started. Thoughts?
Neither card says "remaining rounds"? I guess you mean "remaining spaces".
It's the same as playing Manservant with Scholar. It's pretty clear you can't trigger the round that's already started. Your ruling was correct and the compendium agrees:
Scholar: [quote]If you play an occupation or improvement to place goods or food on remaining round spaces (e.g. Swan Lake, Sack Cart or Wood Deliveryman), you do not place any on the current round space, as the round has already started.[/quote]
Neither card says "remaining rounds"? I guess you mean "remaining spaces".
It's the same as playing Manservant with Scholar. It's pretty clear you can't trigger the round that's already started. Your ruling was correct and the compendium agrees:
Scholar: Quote
If you play an occupation or improvement to place goods or food on remaining round spaces (e.g. Swan Lake, Sack Cart or Wood Deliveryman), you do not place any on the current round space, as the round has already started.