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FLminorBobbin TableThis card is an additional Action space for you only. Whenever you use this space, you may afterward (and until the next Harvest) use Action spaces even if they are occupied.1W0uwe

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last post:
2011-07-28 10:46:49
by armyguy

Pages:  [1]

Bobbin Table (minor)
Cost=1W,   Vps=0,   Prereq=none
This card is an additional Action space for you only. Whenever you use this space, you may afterward (and until the next Harvest) use Action spaces even if they are occupied.

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Jun 23, 2011 6:35pm
(Edit: Oct 22, 2012 9:11am)
Diese Karte ist ein Aktionsfeld nur fur dich. Immer wenn du eine Person auf diese Karte einsetzt, gelten fur dich bis zur nachsten Erntezeit keine Aktionsfelder mehr als besetzt.
Jun 23, 2011 6:35pm
Interesting card. Sacrificing an action now to take another urgently required action. yeoster
Jun 25, 2011 6:12pm
to take another urgently required actions. (plural) chris
Jun 25, 2011 7:38pm
(Edit: Jun 25, 2011 7:38pm)

I used this in Round 12 to use spaces in Stage 5 and i used it in Round 14 to use spaces in Stage 6. It was certainly helpful. It allowed me to Reno, build fences, and Plow/Sow in Round 14. In Stage 5, it allowed me to FG, Plow/Sow and Plow.

How strong do people think this is. It certainly seems busted strong. But these cards are hard to tell. I had to waste 2.5 actions to get all that stuff, i purposely didn't take SP in Rounds 11-13 and didn't block other people from spots. Did i help myself or my opponents more?

I will remind you that Freeloader stats are:
freeloader - 1.41 - Plays (315 / 331 = 95.2%) - Wins (76 / 312 = 24.4%) - (41.5) - (2.5) - PWR = 3.3
Jun 26, 2011 12:15pm
(Edit: Jun 26, 2011 12:16pm)

I played this card again. I played it in Stage 1 but didn't use it until Round 14. Its nice having it available, but i find myself getting what i want by just taking SP and doing normal stuff. I don't really like to use its function unless it will benefit me a lot. I had 3 peeps going into Stage 5. If FG came out in Round 12, i would have used it and then FG FG. But the way Stage 5 played out, i never needed to use it. In Round 14, it allowed me to Plow and Plow/Sow for 7VPs therefore, i wasted my second peep taking this Action space first.
Jun 26, 2011 7:27pm

old: This card is an additional Action space for you only. Whenever you use this space, you may afterward use Action spaces even if they are occupied until the next Harvest.

new: This card is an additional Action space for you only. Whenever you use this space, you may until the next Harvest use Action spaces even if they are occupied.

Is the function of this card clear? based on the English text?
Jun 27, 2011 5:54pm
Is this card too strong? I think it is, especially in 4-ER and 5-ER. At a bare minimum it needs to be "occupied by other players". But even then is it still too strong for the FL Deck? chris
Jul 24, 2011 3:15pm
This card was just played by kreuzbergbier. He used it in round 12 and 14. We had a question about whether sp can be stolen with the bobbin. He used plow sow,family growth without room, and both reno spots. He came in last, because keith kinda snuffed his net fisherman. Otherwise he may have been in the running. Overall, I think the bobbin table is a fine card. It certainly changes the game a lot. I think it is good for its owner and good for other players. For me, I would want to have at least 4 peeps to use this. Certainly would be extremely strong in a 5p game. Probably broken. armyguy
Jul 28, 2011 10:46am
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