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FLminorLions MoundYou may only play this card after Round 13/11/9/7/4 in a 1/2/3/4/5 player game. At the end of each Work phase, you receive 1 Bonus point if no other player occupies an Action space with a lower round number than you do. (Using the Round 1 space guarantees you the point.)5C1see belowuwe

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last post:
2012-10-22 09:51:26
by chris

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Lions Mound (minor)
Cost=5C,   Vps=1,   Prereq=see below
You may only play this card after Round 13/11/9/7/4 in a 1/2/3/4/5 player game. At the end of each Work phase, you receive 1 Bonus point if no other player occupies an Action space with a lower round number than you do. (Using the Round 1 space guarantees you the point.)

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Jun 23, 2011 6:45pm
(Edit: Oct 22, 2012 9:50am)
Diese Karte kann fruhestens dann ausgespielt werden, wenn noch hochstens so viele Erntezeiten absolviert werden, wie Spieler mitspielen. Am Ende jeder Arbeitszeit wird dir 1 Sonderpunkt gutgeschrieben, sofern kein Mitspieler ein Aktionsfeld mit einer niedrigeren Rundennummer belegt hat, als du. (Auf Rundenfeld 1 ist dir der Sonderpunkt somit sicher.)
Jun 23, 2011 6:45pm
You can play this card only, if there are at most as much Harvests as the player number. tom
Jun 24, 2011 3:36am
I would suggest:
You may only play this card if there is are at most 1 Harvest still remaining for each player in the game. At the end of each Work phase, you receive 1 Bonus point if no other player occupies an Action space with a lower round number
less than you do. (Using the Round 1 space guarantees you the point.)

Very interesting card.
Jun 25, 2011 3:51am
Thanks zlorfik, i'll make those changes.

Do you think this first sentence is better?
You may only play this card if the number of Harvests remaining is at most the number of players.

than the current:
You may only play this card if there is at most 1 Harvest still remaining for each player in the game.
Jun 25, 2011 8:45am
So essentially 5 clay for 2 bonus points, provided I take a small numbered action space in Round 14? Or have I misunderstood?

I don't like this card.
Jun 25, 2011 11:48pm
It depends a lot on the size of the game your playing.
In a solo game, this is a guaranteed 2 points (1 printed + 1 bonus), but you can only play this in round 14, since that is the only round with at most 1 harvest remaining.

In a 4-player game, you can play this as early as round 8, since that is the first round with at most 4 harvests remaining. And if you do, from round 8 until the end of the game, you get 1 bonus point for every round you finish with noone else taking a lower round card than you. Theoretically for example, with this card and Sheep Farmer, if Sheep came out in round 1, you could then get 7 bonus points for taking 1+1 sheep every round.

Chris: Im afraid i got no opinion on this. Both sound fine to me.
Jun 26, 2011 3:37am
(Edit: Jun 26, 2011 3:37am)
Quote from: zlorfik on Jun 26, 2011 3:37am
Chris: Im afraid i got no opinion on this. Both sound fine to me.

OK, if both are good, i'll use my second. I think "harvest for each person" could cause some confusion. Like "Which Harvest is my Harvest?"...
Jun 26, 2011 8:33am

old text: You may only play this card if the number of Harvests remaining is at most the number of players.
new text: You may only play this card after Round 13/11/9/7/4 in a 1/2/3/4/5 player game

old name: Waterloo Hill
new name: Lions Mound
Oct 22, 2012 9:51am
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