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CzminorWagon FortFor each empty space on your Farmyard, you can pay 1 Wood and place 1 of your unbuilt Fences on it. You can take any of these Fences back into your supply at any time. If the Fences are still there at the end of the game, the spaces count as used.0chris

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Wagenburg (minor)
Cost=none,   Vps=0,   Prereq=none
For each empty space on your Farmyard, you can pay 1 Wood and place 1 of your unbuilt Fences on it. You can take any of these Fences back into your supply at any time. If the Fences are still there at the end of the game, the spaces count as used.

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May 9, 2012 10:19pm
(Edit: May 9, 2012 10:20pm)
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