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CzminorWine CellarImmediately convert 1 unfenced Stable into a Wine Cellar by tipping it onto its side. You cannot hold animals in the Stable anymore. In the Field phase of each Harvest, you receive 2 Food from the Supply. The space is counted as used. The Wine Cellar is not counted as a Stable. If you fence the space, you can use it as a Pasture.2S1Have 1 unfenced Stablechris

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Wine Cellar (minor)
Cost=2S,   Vps=1,   Prereq=Have 1 unfenced Stable
Immediately convert 1 unfenced Stable into a Wine Cellar by tipping it onto its side. You cannot hold animals in the Stable anymore. In the Field phase of each Harvest, you receive 2 Food from the Supply. The space is counted as used. The Wine Cellar is not counted as a Stable. If you fence the space, you can use it as a Pasture.

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May 9, 2012 10:20pm
(Edit: May 9, 2012 10:21pm)
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