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4029 [View] | BI | occ-3 | Linen Weaver | At the start of each round, this Occupation is passed left to the next player. It only counts as a played Occupation for the player who has it. All their Improvement costs are reduced by 1 Wood. When the original player has it, their Improvement costs are reduced by 1 Clay, 1 Stone, and 1 Reed also. | 0 | uwe | +0 0Y,0N [Vote Yes] [Vote No] | [7 Comments] last post: 2013-06-25 20:34:02 by chris |
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Linen Weaver (occ-3+) At the start of each round, this Occupation is passed left to the next player. It only counts as a played Occupation for the player who has it. All their Improvement costs are reduced by 1 Wood. When the original player has it, their Improvement costs are reduced by 1 Clay, 1 Stone, and 1 Reed also. Linen Weaver (occ-3+) At the start of each round, this Occupation is passed left to the next player. It only counts as a played Occupation for the player who has it. All their Improvement costs are reduced by 1 Wood. When the original player has it, their Improvement costs are reduced by 1 Clay, 1 Stone, and 1 Reed also. [View playtest games] [View all dealt games] |
.uwe Jan 4, 2013 6:21pm [quote] (Edit: Jun 25, 2013 8:34pm) |
Leineweber Diese Karte wird zu Beginn jeder Runde an den linken Sitznachbarn weitergegeben. Nur fur den, der sie hat, gilt sie als ausgespielte Ausbildung und es werden fur ihn alle Anschaffungen 1 Holz gunstiger. Immer wenn du sie hast (als Ausspielender der Karte), werden Anschaffungen fur dich zusatzlich 1 Stein, 1 Lehm und 1 Schilf gunstiger. Leineweber Diese Karte wird zu Beginn jeder Runde an den linken Sitznachbarn weitergegeben. Nur fur den, der sie hat, gilt sie als ausgespielte Ausbildung und es werden fur ihn alle Anschaffungen 1 Holz gunstiger. Immer wenn du sie hast (als Ausspielender der Karte), werden Anschaffungen fur dich zusatzlich 1 Stein, 1 Lehm und 1 Schilf gunstiger. |
chris Jan 4, 2013 6:21pm [quote] |
When the original owner has this card, are their Improvements reduced by 1 Wood OR 1 Clay OR 1 Stone OR 1 Reed? Or do they apply at 4 discounts at once? For example, Half Timbered House would cost only 1 Stone? When the original owner has this card, are their Improvements reduced by 1 Wood OR 1 Clay OR 1 Stone OR 1 Reed? Or do they apply at 4 discounts at once? For example, Half Timbered House would cost only 1 Stone? | chris Jan 5, 2013 7:14am [quote] |
4 discounts at once, HTH is 1s then. Sidenote: Bielefeld is nicknamed the Leineweberstadt, maybe you should leave the name "Leineweber" in english as well. 4 discounts at once, HTH is 1s then. Sidenote: Bielefeld is nicknamed the Leineweberstadt, maybe you should leave the name "Leineweber" in english as well. |
tom Jan 5, 2013 10:11am [quote] (Edit: Jan 5, 2013 10:12am) |
thanks. fixed. thanks. fixed. | chris Jan 5, 2013 4:09pm [quote] |
GAME REPORT This is the second time I played this in Stage 1 and immediately played Sparrenburg Castle in the same round to save 1 Stone, 1 Wood, and 1 Clay. Then every 4th round after that, I build some Improvements and get lots of discounts. GAME REPORT This is the second time I played this in Stage 1 and immediately played Sparrenburg Castle in the same round to save 1 Stone, 1 Wood, and 1 Clay. Then every 4th round after that, I build some Improvements and get lots of discounts. |
chris Jan 7, 2013 8:16pm [quote] |
Ha ha, you can't play this with Job Seeker. Ha ha, you can't play this with Job Seeker. | chris Mar 13, 2013 8:50pm [quote] |
UPDATE old name: Leineweber new name: Linen Weaver UPDATE old name: Leineweber new name: Linen Weaver |
chris Jun 25, 2013 8:34pm [quote] |
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