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G2minorDrained PondAdd 4 to the current round and place 1 field on the corresponding Round space. At the start of that round, you may pay 1 Food to add the field to your farm.1R12 Occupationsglengarry[27 Comments]
last post:
2011-06-04 16:52:41
by letsdance

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Drained Pond (minor)
Cost=1R,   Vps=1,   Prereq=2 Occupations
Add 4 to the current round and place 1 field on the corresponding Round space. At the start of that round, you may pay 1 Food to add the field to your farm.

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Aug 8, 2010 5:50pm
(Edit: Apr 28, 2011 1:16pm)
i like this. i don't think it needs a food cost though. having 3occs and getting it out time is enough i think. hunter
Aug 9, 2010 1:57am
sorta represents that you're 'losing' the fish you'd get from the pond. also, its actually 3 points. (one field, one space filled, one point). 3 points for one card is awesome glengarry
Aug 9, 2010 5:25am
"Add four to the current round and PLACE a field"
or my mistake.... i dont have good language but its bit weird for me.
Aug 9, 2010 5:51am
you are correct, SS. glengarry
Aug 9, 2010 6:47am
I think you could keep the food cost but reduce the prereq to 2. tacticus
Aug 9, 2010 7:58am
In my mind, and i know its not necessarily meant to be this way, but in my mind, "occupations" = "brains" and it takes quite a bit of know-how to drain a pond. I know in game terms its roughly equivalent to 'we don't want these things to happen really early in the game' but in this case, i stayed on theme. unknown6810168
Aug 9, 2010 8:01am
above, thats me. dunno why i keep getting logged out! glengarry
Aug 9, 2010 8:02am
I think that even with 1 Food cost and 3 Occ prereq., the card is too good. 3 points for 1 Food and half action is too much. It's nothing unusual to have 3 occupations by round 10. So I would propose to add 7 to the current round and to remove the point and the cost. Just having that free field is good enough to play the card and even to force yourself to have those 3 occupations out by round 7.

In its current form the card would be played 95% of the games. I hate cards that are always played.
Aug 9, 2010 11:33am
Compare with Goose Pond, which gives 4f and a point for 3 occs. I think that's about the same. Also compare with the Field minor, which is hardly a killer card. tacticus
Aug 9, 2010 11:36am
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