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J3minorWriting ChamberDuring scoring, you get a number of bonus points equal to the total of negative points you have, to a maximum of 7 bonus points. 2W0uwe

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last post:
2020-02-02 13:04:44
by sidnv

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Writing Chamber (minor)
Cost=2W,   Vps=0,   Prereq=none
During scoring, you get a number of bonus points equal to the total of negative points you have, to a maximum of 7 bonus points.

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Jan 10, 2019 5:15pm
(Edit: Dec 5, 2019 10:02pm)
Clarification needed on "negative points". Are negative categories, beggars, negative bonuses (Lantern House,) and negative point values (Brewery Pond, Mantelpiece) all included? lumin
Jan 10, 2019 7:49pm
This seems very strong. sidnv
Jan 30, 2019 2:25am

old: 7 points
new: 3 points

clarified negative points:
Feb 7, 2019 4:15pm

old 3 points
new 7 points
Dec 5, 2019 10:02pm
Lumin here. wait, seriously? Is it supposed to limit the type of negative points? Letting a minor just be 7vp is completely nuts. (Chris it looks like you got a clarification at some point?) unknown142129110
Dec 9, 2019 3:41pm
I don't have any clarification.

We suggested that the publishers change this to 3VP. They used all our other suggestions (except Autumn Mother), not sure why this was printed at 7VP.
Dec 9, 2019 6:38pm
I have received word from Lookout that Uwe's intention was for all types of negatives to be included. lumin
Dec 10, 2019 7:04pm
(Edit: Dec 10, 2019 7:04pm)
Lookout has agreed that this is ban-worthy. -Lumin unknown721158
Jan 4, 2020 4:09am
Why was this ever changed back? It was a fine card at 3 vp. sidnv
Feb 2, 2020 1:04pm
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