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J3minorMarket StallRemove 1 stable from your supply. After the field phase of each harvest, you can exchange 1 grain plus 1 fence (both from your supply) for 5 food.01 Stable in Your Supplyuwe

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last post:
2024-04-02 16:02:12
by unknown

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Market Stall (minor)
Cost=none,   Vps=0,   Prereq=1 Stable in Your Supply
Remove 1 stable from your supply. After the field phase of each harvest, you can exchange 1 grain plus 1 fence (both from your supply) for 5 food.

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Jan 10, 2019 5:59pm
The new card picture which is published removes the key words "from you supply". It is terrible. When I watch the new card picture, I think I should remove the stable from my farm. I suggest that the older card picture should be used.

Apr 2, 2024 4:02pm
(Edit: Apr 2, 2024 4:07pm)
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