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J4minorEarth OvenAt any time: vegetable to 3 food, sheep to 2 food, wild boar to 3 food, cattle to 3 food. Bake bread action: grain to 2 food. 3Return a Fireplaceuwe

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2021-01-29 22:43:53
by luki

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(4 Y, 0 N, 1 ??)
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Earth Oven (minor)
Cost=none,   Vps=3,   Prereq=Return a Fireplace
At any time: vegetable to 3 food, sheep to 2 food, wild boar to 3 food, cattle to 3 food. Bake bread action: grain to 2 food.

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Feb 1, 2020 5:30pm
(Edit: Feb 1, 2020 5:32pm)
oven symbol? cooking symbol? is this an oven? oxmond
Feb 2, 2020 1:34am
Yes, this is an Oven chris
Feb 2, 2020 1:43am
suggest: add (oven and cooking symbol) to the card oxmond
Feb 2, 2020 1:50am
If this is supposed to mirror cooking corner, let's lean in and make it conver the same as the FP you are replacing but but the veg by 1f (so make the boar only 1f). Also take oven out of the name! wsefranc
Feb 3, 2020 9:10am
Current text: At any time: vegetable to 3 food, sheep to 2 food, wild boar to 3 food, cattle to 3 food. Bake bread action: grain to 2 food.

Suggested text: At any time you may convert: 1 vegetable to 3 food; 1 sheep to 2 food, 1 wild boar to 3 food, 1 cattle to 3 food. Grain may also be converted to 2 food during a bake bread action.

(Needs both the oven and cooking symbols.)
Feb 9, 2020 11:48pm
Well, again, this will be all symbols.
So it will read:
At any time:
(vegi symbol) : 3 (Food symbol)
(Sheep symbol) : 2 (Food symbol)
(Wild Boar symbol) : 3 (Food symbol)
(Cattle symbol) : 3 (Food symbol)
(baking symbol) : 2 (Food symbol)

So yes, it will have both the oven and cooking symbols at the bottom of the card.
I'm certain if we had access to those symbols, they would have been put in, but since we don't, this is how it is worded.
Feb 10, 2020 4:00am
I think this is fine but shouldn't have "oven" in the name. All other ovens are specifically grain-baking improvements. fiscused
Feb 12, 2020 8:45pm
That's what makes it interesting. nwoll
Feb 12, 2020 9:41pm
Quote from: nwoll on Feb 12, 2020 9:41pm
That's what makes it interesting.

I like that this is an oven. It’s different.
Feb 13, 2020 2:29am
(Edit: Feb 13, 2020 2:29am)
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