Before last harvest, Pain has 48 plus ???, Patooti has 38 plus ???, Engineer has 53 plus ???, and Ken has 40 plus ??? (Rm 7)
NOTE: This logger sometimes misses recording!
Therefore do not rely too heavily on this log!
Using [X^ken-More Old Ideas,ken-even older ideas,ken-old-ideas,ken-newest,oxmond-All Deck Fun:7/7](?E)-2-18-11crds. Deck (draft<10)
XX Ken: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
(20:36 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(20:36 PST) Added x1Primitiveman_8742_5 occ on farm
XX Pain: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
(20:37 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(20:37 PST) Added x3CovetousWoman_8416_2 occ on farm
(20:37 PST) Removed x3CovetousWoman_8416_2 occ on farm
(20:37 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Patooti: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
(20:37 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Engineer: Round 1: Peep 1 of 2
(20:38 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Ken: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
(20:38 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(20:38 PST) Added x3GreenThumb_10770_4 occ on farm
XX Pain: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
(20:39 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX Patooti: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
(20:39 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX Engineer: Round 1: Peep 2 of 2
(20:40 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(20:40 PST) Added landingnet kminor on farm
[STARTING ROUND 2] clicked
XX Engineer: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
(20:40 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Ken: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
(20:40 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Pain: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
(20:40 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(20:41 PST) Added x3CovetousWoman_8416_2 occ on farm
XX Patooti: Round 2: Peep 1 of 2
(20:41 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Engineer: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
(20:41 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
XX Ken: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
(20:41 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX Pain: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
(20:42 PST) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX Patooti: Round 2: Peep 2 of 2
(20:42 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
(20:42 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(20:42 PST) Added x1DenBuilderV2_10438_5 occ on farm
(20:42 PST) Removed x1DenBuilderV2_10438_5 occ on farm
(20:42 PST) Added x3MasterCarpenter_253_14 occ on farm
XX Engineer: Round 2: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 3] clicked
XX Engineer: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
(20:43 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Ken: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
(20:43 PST) Dragged new peep to Fishing
XX Pain: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
(20:43 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX Patooti: Round 3: Peep 1 of 2
(20:44 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Engineer: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
(20:44 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Ken: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
(20:45 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Pain: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
(20:45 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
XX Patooti: Round 3: Peep 2 of 2
(20:45 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Pain: Round 3: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 4] clicked
XX Pain: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
(20:46 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Patooti: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
(20:46 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Engineer: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
(20:46 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Ken: Round 4: Peep 1 of 2
(20:46 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Pain: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
(20:47 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
XX Patooti: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
(20:47 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
XX Engineer: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
(20:47 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Ken: Round 4: Peep 2 of 2
(20:48 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Pain: Round 4: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 5] clicked
XX Pain: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
(20:48 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(20:48 PST) Added x4Guildmember_8349_2 occ on farm
XX Patooti: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
(20:49 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Engineer: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
(20:49 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Ken: Round 5: Peep 1 of 2
(20:49 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(20:49 PST) Added DryPond_9103_1 xminor on farm
(20:49 PST) Removed DryPond_9103_1 xminor on farm
(20:49 PST) Added DryPond_9103_1 xminor on board
XX Pain: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
(20:50 PST) Removed DryPond_9103_1 xminor on board
(20:50 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(20:50 PST) Added x1CountryDoctor_3682_8 occ on farm
(20:50 PST) Removed x1CountryDoctor_3682_8 occ on farm
(20:50 PST) Added x4Archaeologist_9733_2 occ on farm
XX Patooti: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
(20:51 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Engineer: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
(20:51 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Ken: Round 5: Peep 2 of 2
(20:51 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Pain: Round 5: Peep 0 of 0
(20:51 PST) Dragged new guest to Plow
XX Ken: Round 5: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 6] clicked
XX Ken: Round 6: Peep 1 of 2
(20:52 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(20:52 PST) Added EducatedSheep_9013_2 xminor on farm
(20:52 PST) Added EducatedSheep_9013_2 xminor on board
(20:52 PST) Removed EducatedSheep_9013_2 xminor on farm
XX Pain: Round 6: Peep 1 of 2
(20:52 PST) Removed EducatedSheep_9013_2 xminor on board
(20:52 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(20:52 PST) Added BuriedTreasure_291_7 xminor on farm
XX Patooti: Round 6: Peep 1 of 2
(20:53 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX Engineer: Round 6: Peep 1 of 2
(20:53 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX Ken: Round 6: Peep 3 of 3
(20:53 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(20:53 PST) Added x3FenceExpert_7156_4 occ on farm
XX Pain: Round 6: Peep 2 of 2
(20:54 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Patooti: Round 6: Peep 2 of 2
(20:54 PST) Dragged new peep to takestone
XX Engineer: Round 6: Peep 2 of 2
(20:55 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Pain: Round 6: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 7] clicked
XX Pain: Round 7: Peep 1 of 2
(20:55 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Patooti: Round 7: Peep 1 of 2
(20:55 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Engineer: Round 7: Peep 1 of 2
(20:56 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Ken: Round 7: Peep 1 of 3
(20:56 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX Pain: Round 7: Peep 2 of 2
(20:56 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Patooti: Round 7: Peep 2 of 2
(20:57 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(20:57 PST) Added CropConveyor_8759_1 xminor on farm
XX Engineer: Round 7: Peep 2 of 2
(20:57 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
(20:58 PST) Added clayhutextension kminor on farm
(20:58 PST) Added clayhutextension kminor on board
(20:58 PST) Removed clayhutextension kminor on farm
XX Ken: Round 7: Peep 2 of 3
(20:58 PST) Dragged new peep to Fishing
(20:58 PST) Removed clayhutextension kminor on board
XX Pain: Round 7: Peep 0 of 0
(20:59 PST) Dragged new guest to 4takeresources
(20:59 PST) Dragged new guest to StartPlayer
(20:59 PST) Dragged new guest to Plow
(20:59 PST) Dragged new guest to Plow
(20:59 PST) Moved old peep to StartPlayer
(20:59 PST) Dragged new guest to Plow
(20:59 PST) Added BreedingStraw_8680_2 xminor on farm
XX Ken: Round 7: Peep 3 of 3
(20:59 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
(21:00 PST) Dragged new guest to fences
(21:00 PST) Dragged new guest to TakeGrain
(21:00 PST) Dragged new guest to 4tak2ewood
XX Pain: Round 7: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 8] clicked
XX Pain: Round 8: Peep 1 of 2
(21:00 PST) Dragged new peep to takevegtable
XX Patooti: Round 8: Peep 1 of 3
(21:01 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Engineer: Round 8: Peep 1 of 2
(21:02 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Ken: Round 8: Peep 1 of 3
(21:02 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Pain: Round 8: Peep 2 of 2
(21:02 PST) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX Patooti: Round 8: Peep 2 of 3
(21:02 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
XX Engineer: Round 8: Peep 2 of 2
(21:03 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
XX Ken: Round 8: Peep 2 of 3
(21:03 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
XX Patooti: Round 8: Peep 3 of 3
(21:04 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Ken: Round 8: Peep 3 of 3
(21:04 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
(21:04 PST) Dragged new guest to Occupation
(21:04 PST) Added x3SheepMessenger_8368_4 occ on farm
XX Pain: Round 8: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 9] clicked
XX Pain: Round 9: Peep 1 of 2
(21:05 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
XX Patooti: Round 9: Peep 1 of 3
(21:05 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Engineer: Round 9: Peep 1 of 3
(21:05 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Ken: Round 9: Peep 1 of 3
(21:06 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Pain: Round 9: Peep 2 of 2
(21:06 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(21:06 PST) Added DryPond_9103_1 xminor on farm
(21:06 PST) Added DryPond_9103_1 xminor on board
(21:06 PST) Removed DryPond_9103_1 xminor on farm
XX Patooti: Round 9: Peep 2 of 3
(21:07 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
(21:07 PST) Removed DryPond_9103_1 xminor on board
XX Engineer: Round 9: Peep 2 of 3
(21:07 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Ken: Round 9: Peep 2 of 3
(21:08 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Patooti: Round 9: Peep 3 of 3
(21:08 PST) Dragged new peep to takestone
XX Engineer: Round 9: Peep 3 of 3
(21:10 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX Ken: Round 9: Peep 3 of 3
(21:10 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Pain: Round 9: Peep 0 of 0
[STARTING ROUND 10] clicked
XX Pain: Round 10: Peep 1 of 3
(21:10 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Patooti: Round 10: Peep 1 of 3
(21:10 PST) Dragged new peep to takeboar
XX Engineer: Round 10: Peep 1 of 3
(21:11 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX Ken: Round 10: Peep 1 of 3
(21:11 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(21:11 PST) Added x4MrWhite_10020_1 occ on farm
XX Pain: Round 10: Peep 2 of 3
(21:12 PST) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX Patooti: Round 10: Peep 2 of 3
(21:12 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
XX Engineer: Round 10: Peep 2 of 3
(21:12 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX Ken: Round 10: Peep 2 of 3
(21:12 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX Pain: Round 10: Peep 3 of 3
(21:13 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(21:13 PST) Added x4LifeBinder_9134_3 occ on farm
XX Patooti: Round 10: Peep 4 of 4
(21:13 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Engineer: Round 10: Peep 3 of 3
(21:14 PST) Dragged new peep to takestone
(21:14 PST) Dragged new peep to takestone
(21:14 PST) Dragged new peep to takestone
(21:14 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Ken: Round 10: Peep 3 of 3
(21:14 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(21:14 PST) Added EducatorsHelp_9261_5 xminor on farm
XX Pain: Round 10: Peep 0 of 0
XX Ken: Round 10: Peep 0 of 0
(21:15 PST) Dragged new guest to Fishing
(21:15 PST) Dragged new guest to TakeGrain
(21:15 PST) Moved old peep to StartPlayer
(21:15 PST) Added CactusFruit_11709_2 xminor on farm
[STARTING ROUND 11] clicked
XX Ken: Round 11: Peep 1 of 4
(21:16 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Pain: Round 11: Peep 1 of 4
(21:16 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Patooti: Round 11: Peep 1 of 4
(21:16 PST) Dragged new peep to takecattle
XX Engineer: Round 11: Peep 1 of 3
(21:16 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
XX Ken: Round 11: Peep 2 of 4
(21:16 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeGrain
XX Pain: Round 11: Peep 2 of 4
(21:16 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Patooti: Round 11: Peep 2 of 4
(21:17 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(21:17 PST) Added x4SonofStoryteller_8473_2 occ on farm
(21:18 PST) Removed x4SonofStoryteller_8473_2 occ on farm
(21:18 PST) Dragged new peep to Fishing
(21:18 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Engineer: Round 11: Peep 2 of 3
(21:18 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(21:18 PST) Added x4LateBreeder_10006_1 occ on farm
XX Ken: Round 11: Peep 3 of 4
(21:19 PST) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX Pain: Round 11: Peep 3 of 4
(21:19 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(21:19 PST) Added Reincarnation_8783_1 xminor on farm
(21:20 PST) Added x4LifeBinder_9134_3 occ on board
(21:20 PST) Removed x4LifeBinder_9134_3 occ on farm
XX Patooti: Round 11: Peep 3 of 4
(21:20 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak1ewood
XX Engineer: Round 11: Peep 3 of 3
(21:20 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
(21:21 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
(21:21 PST) Added x1VillageLady_10035_1 occ on farm
XX Ken: Round 11: Peep 4 of 4
(21:21 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
XX Pain: Round 11: Peep 4 of 4
(21:21 PST) Dragged new peep to takestone
XX Patooti: Round 11: Peep 4 of 4
(21:21 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Ken: Round 11: Peep 0 of 0
(21:21 PST) Dragged new guest to Fishing
XX Pain: Round 11: Peep 0 of 0
(21:22 PST) Added x1CountryDoctor_3682_8 occ on board
(21:22 PST) Removed x1CountryDoctor_3682_8 occ on farm
[STARTING ROUND 12] clicked
XX Pain: Round 12: Peep 1 of 4
(21:22 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Patooti: Round 12: Peep 1 of 4
(21:22 PST) Dragged new peep to plowsow
XX Engineer: Round 12: Peep 1 of 3
(21:24 PST) Added x4Lilian_8695_3 occ on board
(21:24 PST) Added x1Tourist_7019_4 occ on board
(21:25 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(21:25 PST) Added FoodBasket_8164_1 xminor on farm
(21:25 PST) Added FoodBasket_8164_1 xminor on board
(21:25 PST) Removed FoodBasket_8164_1 xminor on farm
XX Ken: Round 12: Peep 1 of 4
(21:25 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
(21:25 PST) Removed FoodBasket_8164_1 xminor on board
XX Pain: Round 12: Peep 2 of 4
(21:25 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Patooti: Round 12: Peep 2 of 4
(21:25 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Engineer: Round 12: Peep 3 of 4
(21:26 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX Ken: Round 12: Peep 2 of 4
(21:26 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
(21:27 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Pain: Round 12: Peep 3 of 4
(21:27 PST) Dragged new peep to fences
XX Patooti: Round 12: Peep 3 of 4
(21:28 PST) Dragged new peep to takeboar
XX Engineer: Round 12: Peep 4 of 4
(21:28 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Ken: Round 12: Peep 3 of 4
(21:28 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(21:28 PST) Added FoodBasket_8164_1 xminor on farm
(21:28 PST) Added FoodBasket_8164_1 xminor on board
(21:28 PST) Removed FoodBasket_8164_1 xminor on farm
XX Pain: Round 12: Peep 4 of 4
(21:29 PST) Removed FoodBasket_8164_1 xminor on board
(21:29 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(21:29 PST) Added x3SpiritualLeader_369_2 occ on farm
(21:29 PST) Added FruitTart_4657_5 xminor on board
(21:30 PST) Added FoodBasket_8164_1 xminor on board
(21:30 PST) Added EducatedSheep_9013_2 xminor on board
(21:31 PST) Added x1WattleandDaubBuilder_11111_2 occ on board
(21:31 PST) Added x4HouseBreeder_8452_4 occ on board
XX Patooti: Round 12: Peep 4 of 4
(21:31 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Engineer: Round 12: Peep 0 of 0
(21:32 PST) Added SkippingSchool_6092_2 xminor on board
(21:33 PST) Added x1BarnWatchman_8543_1 occ on board
XX Ken: Round 12: Peep 4 of 4
(21:33 PST) Dragged new peep to plowsow
[STARTING ROUND 13] clicked
XX Ken: Round 13: Peep 1 of 4
(21:34 PST) Dragged new peep to takecattle
XX Pain: Round 13: Peep 1 of 4
(21:34 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth2
(21:34 PST) Added x3CovetousWoman_8416_2 occ on board
(21:34 PST) Removed x3CovetousWoman_8416_2 occ on farm
XX Patooti: Round 13: Peep 1 of 4
(21:34 PST) Dragged new peep to plowsow
XX Engineer: Round 13: Peep 1 of 4
(21:35 PST) Added ReedBelt_8256_3 xminor on board
(21:35 PST) Added x1StoneCurator_977_4 occ on board
(21:35 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Ken: Round 13: Peep 2 of 4
(21:35 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Pain: Round 13: Peep 3 of 5
(21:36 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeWood
XX Patooti: Round 13: Peep 2 of 4
(21:36 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX Engineer: Round 13: Peep 2 of 4
(21:36 PST) Dragged new peep to BuildRoom
XX Ken: Round 13: Peep 3 of 4
(21:37 PST) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX Pain: Round 13: Peep 4 of 5
(21:37 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Patooti: Round 13: Peep 3 of 4
(21:38 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
XX Engineer: Round 13: Peep 3 of 4
(21:39 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Ken: Round 13: Peep 4 of 4
(21:39 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth2
XX Pain: Round 13: Peep 5 of 5
(21:39 PST) Dragged new peep to 4tak2ewood
XX Patooti: Round 13: Peep 4 of 4
(21:40 PST) Added x1PetBreeder_6140_11 occ on board
(21:40 PST) Added x1DenBuilderV2_10438_5 occ on board
(21:40 PST) Added x1TalentedTradesperson_8755_5 occ on board
(21:40 PST) Dragged new peep to StartPlayer
(21:41 PST) Added x4SonofStoryteller_8473_2 occ on board
(21:41 PST) Added x4Babysitter_426_2 occ on board
(21:41 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takefood
XX Engineer: Round 13: Peep 4 of 4
(21:42 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth
(21:42 PST) Added PocketMonster_8334_2 xminor on farm
XX Pain: Round 13: Peep 0 of 0
(21:42 PST) Dragged new guest to TakeWood
(21:42 PST) Moved old peep to StartPlayer
(21:42 PST) Added PoleBarns_6210_2 xminor on farm
(21:42 PST) Added PoleBarns_6210_2 xminor on board
(21:42 PST) Removed PoleBarns_6210_2 xminor on farm
[STARTING ROUND 14] clicked
XX Pain: Round 14: Peep 1 of 5
(21:43 PST) Added x4Archaeologist_9733_2 occ on board
(21:43 PST) Removed x4Archaeologist_9733_2 occ on farm
(21:44 PST) Added x3NightSchoolTeacher_9547_1 occ on board
(21:44 PST) Added x1FencePostSeller_9522_1 occ on board
(21:44 PST) Added x3PrisonOfficer_9417_1 occ on board
(21:44 PST) Added x1DrinkerofAbsinthe_2782_7 occ on board
(21:44 PST) Added x1Fertilizerseller_8739_4 occ on board
(21:44 PST) Added x1ImmigrantsSon_3436_4 occ on board
(21:45 PST) Dragged new peep to plowsow
(21:46 PST) Added x1Strongman_9619_1 occ on board
(21:46 PST) Added x4TheGoodShepherd_10000_6 occ on board
(21:46 PST) Added x3Diana_554_8 occ on board
(21:46 PST) Added x1StrawFencer_7067_2 occ on farm
(21:46 PST) Removed x1StrawFencer_7067_2 occ on farm
XX Patooti: Round 14: Peep 1 of 4
(21:47 PST) Removed PoleBarns_6210_2 xminor on board
(21:47 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
XX Engineer: Round 14: Peep 1 of 5
(21:48 PST) Dragged new peep to Plow
XX Ken: Round 14: Peep 1 of 5
(21:48 PST) Dragged new peep to renovatefences
XX Pain: Round 14: Peep 2 of 5
(21:49 PST) Dragged new peep to takeboar
XX Patooti: Round 14: Peep 2 of 4
(21:49 PST) Dragged peep to familygrowth2
XX Engineer: Round 14: Peep 2 of 5
(21:50 PST) Added harvestfeast gminor on board
(21:50 PST) Added x4AnimalLover_9355_2 occ on board
(21:50 PST) Dragged new peep to familygrowth2
(21:50 PST) Dragged new peep to sowbake
XX Ken: Round 14: Peep 2 of 5
(21:50 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeresources
XX Pain: Round 14: Peep 3 of 5
(21:50 PST) Dragged new peep to takesheep
XX Patooti: Round 14: Peep 4 of 5
(21:51 PST) Dragged new peep to Occupation
(21:51 PST) Added x4Jobburnout_9061_1 occ on farm
XX Engineer: Round 14: Peep 3 of 5
(21:53 PST) Dragged new peep to 4occupation
XX Ken: Round 14: Peep 3 of 5
(21:53 PST) Dragged new peep to takecattle
XX Pain: Round 14: Peep 4 of 5
(21:53 PST) Dragged new peep to 4takeclay
XX Patooti: Round 14: Peep 5 of 5
(21:54 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeClay
XX Engineer: Round 14: Peep 4 of 5
(21:55 PST) Dragged new peep to takevegtable
XX Ken: Round 14: Peep 4 of 5
(21:55 PST) Dragged new peep to renovate
XX Pain: Round 14: Peep 5 of 5
(21:56 PST) Dragged new peep to improve
XX Engineer: Round 14: Peep 5 of 5
(21:56 PST) Dragged new peep to TakeReed
XX Ken: Round 14: Peep 5 of 5
(21:56 PST) Dragged new peep to Fishing
XX Pain: Round 14: Peep 0 of 0
(21:56 PST) Dragged new guest to TakeWood