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396841) 2-4-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Kimball has 57+??, vee has 37+??, Kristin2 has 34+??, and xan03 has 28+??  (Rm 7)
396840) 2-4-25) 2-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Striker has 43+??, and AdamT has 40+??  (Rm 12)
396839) 2-4-25) 2-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 41+??, and Ken has 46+??  (Rm 5)
396838) 2-4-25) 3-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, awlego has 50+??, dgnt has 34+??, and bsweitz2. has 45+??  (Rm 16)
396837) 2-4-25) 2-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 44+??, and Ken has 41+??  (Rm 5)
396836) 2-4-25) 3-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, awlego has 42+??, dgnt has 52+??, and bsweitz2. has 43+??  (Rm 16)
396835) 2-4-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Wallfly has 43+??, rookie has 35+??, jp has 33+??, and LadyInWaiting has 37+??  (Rm 5)
396832) 2-3-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, jp has 45+??, field_watchman has 37+??, thsbenson has 42+??, and mercator has 47+??  (Rm 5)
396830) 2-3-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Wallfly has 46+??, JenH has 31+??, ruffles2 has 37+??, and maruskaK has 44+??  (Rm 3)
396829) 2-3-25) 1-ER GAME : Before last harvest, waalwijk has 72+??  (Rm 12)
396827) 2-3-25) 4-ER* GAME : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 36+??, Chamberlain has 41+??, vee has 34+??, and JenH has 49+??  (Rm 2)
396826) 2-3-25) 1-ER FamGam : Before last harvest, Mrfu. has -11  (Rm 13)
396825) 2-3-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 44+??, gatsby has 45+??, geri has 45+??, and LadyInWaiting has 40+??  (Rm 2)
396824) 2-3-25) 3-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 54+??, Ken has 43+??, and Dejf_K has 50+??  (Rm 6)
396823) 2-3-25) 1-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 66+??  (Rm 6)
396822) 2-3-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 58+??  (Rm 6)
396821) 2-3-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Wallfly has 46+??, LadyInWaiting has 43+??, AdamP has 36+??, and JenH has 40+??  (Rm 2)
396820) 2-3-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 53+??  (Rm 5)
396818) 2-2-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 59+??  (Rm 5)
396817) 2-2-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Kimball has 38+??, Engineer has 22+??, Kristin2 has 36+??, and narros has 39+??  (Rm 6)
396816) 2-2-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Kimball has 51+??, Montu has 49+??, narros has 35+??, and PM has 42+??  (Rm 7)
396815) 2-2-25) 1-ER GAME+ : Before last harvest, waalwijk has 81+??  (Rm 1)
396814) 2-2-25) 4-ER* GAME : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 46+??, geri has 33+??, Scholar has 31+??, and vee has 33+??  (Rm 3)
396813) 2-2-25) 4-ER* GAME : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 40+??, vee has 33+??, Wallfly has 38+??, and anis has 42+??  (Rm 2)
396812) 2-2-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, jp has 46+??, Kristin2 has 35+??, Kimball has 50+??, and thsbenson has 33+??  (Rm 5)
396811) 2-2-25) 3-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 41+??, Ken has 42+??, and Korax has 53+??  (Rm 7)
396810) 2-2-25) 2-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 60+??, and Ken has 50+??  (Rm 7)
396809) 2-2-25) 2-ER GAME : Before last harvest, Korax has 47+??, and Spongebob has 39+??  (Rm 18)
396808) 2-2-25) 1-ER GAME+ : Before last harvest, Unknown. has 65+??  (Rm 3)
396807) 2-2-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Wallfly has 30+??, Ken has 45+??, JenH has 44+??, and LadyInWaiting has 44+??  (Rm 2)
396806) 2-2-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Montu has 42+??, jp has 41+??, Pt90044 has 40+??, and mercator has 51+??  (Rm 6)
396804) 2-1-25) 4-ER* GAME : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 49+??, ruffles2 has 45+??, JenH has 39+??, and mercator has 50+??  (Rm 3)
396803) 2-1-25) 1-ER GAME+ : Before last harvest, waalwijk has 82  (Rm 1)
396802) 2-1-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Montu has 42+??, Kimball has 42+??, thsbenson has 41+??, and Engineer has 44+??  (Rm 5)
396801) 2-1-25) 4-ER* GAME : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 34+??, Chamberlain has 48+??, Pain has 45+??, and xan03 has 45+??  (Rm 3)
396799) 2-1-25) 4-ER* GAME : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 49+??, JenH has 48+??, Wallfly has 38+??, and Pain has 38+??  (Rm 3)
396798) 2-1-25) 1-ER GAME+ : Before last harvest, Unknown. has 61  (Rm 10)
396797) 2-1-25) 3-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, awlego has 42+??, dgnt has 38+??, and bsweitz2. has 46+??  (Rm 16)
396796) 2-1-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 44+??, Pain has 36+??, Ken has 43+??, and Wallfly has 40+??  (Rm 3)
396795) 2-1-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Kimball has 44+??, Kristin2 has 41+??, rookie has 47+??, and mikechike has 35+??  (Rm 5)
396794) 2-1-25) 3-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, awlego has 45+??, dgnt has 46+??, and bsweitz2. has 41+??  (Rm 16)
396792) 2-1-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 43+??, Wallfly has 34+??, Pain has 34+??, and mercator has 49+??  (Rm 3)
396791) 2-1-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, jp has 47+??, mikechike has 46+??, Sidnv has 47+??, and Kimball has 51+??  (Rm 5)
396790) 1-31-25) 3-ER* MOOR3+ : Before last harvest, Smithdorrien has 48+??, SamRoads has 36+??, and Blueface1 has 40+??  (Rm 7)
396787) 1-31-25) 3-ER* MOOR3+ : Before last harvest, Smithdorrien has 54+??, Blueface1 has 41+??, and SamRoads has 66+??  (Rm 7)
396785) 1-31-25) 1-ER* GAME : Before last harvest, Unknown. has 67+??  (Rm 15)
396782) 1-31-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, anis has 48+??, JenH has 38+??, Pain has 36+??, and vee has 49+??  (Rm 7)
396781) 1-31-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Pain has 30+??, vee has 40+??, agrippina has 50+??, and LePetitTree has 40+??  (Rm 7)
396780) 1-31-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, FieldDoctor has 41+??, Nomads has 53+??, Priest has 43+??, and Iceskater has 54+??  (Rm 10)
396779) 1-31-25) 4-ER+ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Dejf_K has 47+??, ostrichheng has 39+??, Engineer has 51+??, and jeren has 36+??  (Rm 5)
396778) 1-31-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, thomasis has 63+??  (Rm 6)
396775) 1-30-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Pain has 40+??, mercator has 46+??, JenH has 54+??, and Ken has 27+??  (Rm 7)
396774) 1-30-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Wallfly has 37+??, Scholar has 55+??, mercator has 43+??, and Pain has 38+??  (Rm 2)
396773) 1-30-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Wallfly has 34+??, JenH has 52+??, Pt90044 has 37+??, and Pain has 40+??  (Rm 2)
396772) 1-30-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 38+??, vee has 49+??, Wallfly has 43+??, and Pain has 30+??  (Rm 2)
396771) 1-30-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, FieldDoctor has 32+??, Iceskater has 54+??, Priest has 47+??, and Nomads has 56+??  (Rm 10)
396770) 1-30-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 37+??, anis has 43+??, Pain has 32+??, and vee has 44+??  (Rm 2)
396769) 1-30-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Wallfly has 36+??, xan03 has 48+??, Pt90044 has 44+??, and Quatannens has 43+??  (Rm 2)
396768) 1-30-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 36+??, gatsby has 33+??, Ken has 44+??, and Dejf_K has 43+??  (Rm 5)
396767) 1-30-25) 1-ER GAME+ : Before last harvest, Unknown. has 66  (Rm 11)
396766) 1-30-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, JenH has 76+??  (Rm 9)
396765) 1-30-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, jp has 37+??, mikechike has 49+??, avgjoe40 has 44+??, and Kristin2 has 57+??  (Rm 9)
396764) 1-30-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Wallfly has 39+??, JenH has 38+??, Pt90044 has 35+??, and field_watchman has 36+??  (Rm 5)
396762) 1-29-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 44+??, field_watchman has 38+??, mercator has 42+??, and Wallfly has 38+??  (Rm 5)
396761) 1-29-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, jp has 42+??, JenH has 48+??, narros has 40+??, and Scholar has 32+??  (Rm 4)
396759) 1-29-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 25+??, xan03 has 37+??, Dejf_K has 41+??, and vee has 36+??  (Rm 4)
396758) 1-29-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 37+??, Ken has 35+??, Dejf_K has 49+??, and xan03 has 44+??  (Rm 4)
396757) 1-29-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 35+??, Dejf_K has 37+??, Ken has 36+??, and Patooti has 33+??  (Rm 4)
396756) 1-29-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, JenH has 81+??  (Rm 10)
396755) 1-29-25) 3-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, awlego has 38+??, bsweitz2. has 49+??, and dgnt has 40+??  (Rm 16)
396754) 1-29-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, JenH has 73+??  (Rm 10)
396753) 1-29-25) 1-ER GAME : Before last harvest, Unknown. has 73  (Rm 1)
396752) 1-29-25) 3-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Montu has 36+??, field_watchman has 42+??, and Ken has 54+??  (Rm 2)
396750) 1-28-25) 1-ER GAME+ : Before last harvest, Unknown. has 71+??  (Rm 16)
396749) 1-28-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, rookie has 42+??, mercator has 52+??, jp has 44+??, and Scholar has 32+??  (Rm 4)
396747) 1-28-25) 1-ER GAME+ : Before last harvest, Unknown. has 62+??  (Rm 16)
396746) 1-28-25) 2-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Striker has 48+??, and AdamT has 43+??  [Comments] (Rm 6)
396745) 1-28-25) 4-ER^ GAME : Before last harvest, Pt90044 has 56+??, vee has 28+??, Pain has 34+??, and Jg has 48+??  (Rm 3)
396744) 1-28-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 36+??, Chamberlain has 52+??, Ken has 26+??, and Dejf_K has 52+??  (Rm 2)
396743) 1-28-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 31+??, Patooti has 42+??, Ken has 47+??, and Dejf_K has 58+??  (Rm 2)
396742) 1-28-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Wallfly has 44+??, LadyInWaiting has 52+??, AdamP has 61+??, and CH433 has 49+??  (Rm 2)
396740) 1-28-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Wallfly has 34+??, rookie has 44+??, CH433 has 52+??, and LadyInWaiting has 33+??  (Rm 2)
396739) 1-28-25) 1-ER GAME : Before last harvest, ARIF has 62+??  (Rm 4)
396738) 1-27-25) 4-ER* GAME : Before last harvest, LadyInWaiting has 52+??, Kristin2 has 41+??, Astaroth has 38+??, and mercator has 46+??  (Rm 5)
396737) 1-27-25) 1-ER GAME : Before last harvest, Unknown. has 79  (Rm 1)
396736) 1-27-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Engineer has 37+??, Patooti has 54+??, Chamberlain has 62+??, and Dejf_K has 43+??  (Rm 5)
396735) 1-27-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, anis has 53+??, CH433 has 51+??, Dejf_K has 38+??, and Patooti has 42+??  (Rm 4)
396734) 1-27-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, thomasis has 67+??  (Rm 7)
396733) 1-27-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, thomasis has 65+??  (Rm 7)
396732) 1-27-25) 1-ER GAME : Before last harvest, Engineer has 61+??  (Rm 5)
396731) 1-27-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, thomasis has 60+??  (Rm 7)
396730) 1-27-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, thomasis has 67+??  (Rm 7)
396729) 1-27-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, anis has 44+??, Ken has 34+??, CH433 has 48+??, and Patooti has 47+??  (Rm 2)
396728) 1-27-25) 1-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, thomasis has 53+??  (Rm 7)
396727) 1-27-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, Kimball has 36+??, Kristin2 has 36+??, avgjoe40 has 41+??, and MandM has 39+??  (Rm 5)
396726) 1-27-25) 4-ER* GAME+ : Before last harvest, rookie has 42+??, MandM has 39+??, Kristin2 has 38+??, and avgjoe40 has 33+??  (Rm 5)
396725) 1-27-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, anis has 54+??, Pain has 41+??, narros has 37+??, and fiscused has 46+??  (Rm 8)
396724) 1-26-25) 4-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, Montu has 42+??, narros has 33+??, Engineer has 41+??, and Pain has 47+??  (Rm 2)
396723) 1-26-25) 3-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, awlego has 48+??, bsweitz2. has 43+??, and dgnt has 37+??  (Rm 16)
396722) 1-26-25) 3-ER^ GAME+ : Before last harvest, awlego has 33+??, bsweitz2. has 38+??, and dgnt has 44+??  (Rm 16)

(Took 1 CPU secs and 206.5 MB of RAM)